Monday, September 22, 2008

2 weeks new

Newborn sessions are always so much fun. Each baby is so different, and I learn so much from each session. This is 2-week old 'T'. He taught me that every baby doesn't like to be naked and that you can't fight sleep forever! ;)

I could've just cuddled all 6 pounds of him all day. I love having a toddler, don't get me wrong, but I do miss that sweet baby smell, and those little tiny fingers and toes.

We started the session with some awake shots...

then off to sleep he went. He loved being wrapped. I'm always so leery about changing their position once they go to sleep. Doen't he look so angelic?

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Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! These are amazing Stefanie! That last one is to die for! I could just eat that baby up!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I love that last one. Okay, I love them all, but that last one is stunning.

Capturing the heart and soul of childhood said...

what a gorgeous babe! LOVE the first two, they are all just lovely!

Anonymous said...

just your lighting here!

Anonymous said...

I love these! My favorite is the last two. You just inspired me. ;)